Features By Katrina Bell
43 results

Features by Katrina Bell | 43 features

Katrina founded boutique digital agency Aardvark Multimedia in 2003, and has been a B2B journalist for over 25 years. She was the author of the Web Dr column for Essential Kitchen & Bathroom Business magazine focussing on online marketing strategies for KBB businesses.

Digital marketing – Is now the time to bin your blog section?

Have you been creating content for years and seen little return on your investment? Then now is the moment to think abou...

InsightFeatures Tue 18th Jun 2024

How Consumer Generated Content is the next killer marketing tool

Consumers' love for influencers seems to be on the wane – what they really want when they're about to buy is genuine f...

InsightFeatures Mon 20th May 2024

Digital marketing – Bad customer feedback could be your secret weapon

If you've received a bad customer review on your website or social platforms, there's a way of turning it to your advant...

InsightFeatures Mon 29th Apr 2024

Shadowbanned on your social platforms? Here's what to do

If your engagement has suddenly dropped significantly and is going nowhere, you may be in social Siberia – Katrina Bel...

InsightFeatures Tue 16th Apr 2024

Is it worth sacrificing part of your marketing budget to pay for X?

Are you planning to pay for enhanced access and services on X/Twitter or are there better options for text-based social ...

InsightFeatures Fri 22nd Mar 2024

What Google's Year in Search 2023 tells us about consumer habits

Consumer buying habits may be eye-opening at first, but peel back a layer and the nation’s purchasing patterns are rev...

InsightFeatures Thu 25th Jan 2024

Digital marketing – Are you confident you speak fluent Google?

It might sound flippant, but it's a serious question – after all, SEO and Google speak are not always easy to understa...

InsightFeatures Fri 12th Jan 2024

Digital marketing: 5 hot trends to add to your 'to do' list for 2024

Predicting the future of design, apps, engineering and social media means having a lot of balls to juggle, so to help wi...

InsightFeatures Mon 11th Dec 2023

Digital marketing: Everything you need to know about dark socials

So how do you go about quantifying dark socials – those 'invisible shares' about your brand that happen through text a...

InsightFeatures Wed 22nd Nov 2023

Digital focus – Are your marketing emails feeling a bit stale?

Do you feel like you're running out of ideas and that your marketing emails are coming over as a bit – well – uninsp...

InsightFeatures Tue 12th Sep 2023

Digital marketing – Will Threads lead to the unravelling of Twitter?

The established social media platform space has a surprise contender with Zuckerberg’s newly launched text-based Threa...

InsightFeatures Mon 31st Jul 2023

Digital marketing – What is Bluesky and should you sign up for it?

A new invite-only social app is promising to upend social media norms, but could it all be just hot air? Katrina Bell di...

InsightFeatures Thu 22nd Jun 2023

Digital marketing – Can AI write your socials better than you?

ChatGPT and its stablemates Bard and Howly have been generating plenty of headlines around using artificial intelligence...

InsightFeatures Mon 5th Jun 2023

Three ways digital marketing can increase brand loyalty at the till

It's tough out there, and encouraging customers to be loyal to your brand takes time – Katrina Bell reveals three ways...

InsightFeatures Fri 28th Apr 2023

Digital marketing – Are you ready for your first influencer collab?

As the power of influencers continues to saturate marketing strategies, Katrina Bell reveals how to go about finding the...

InsightFeatures Thu 13th Apr 2023