H. Miller Bros – taking an individual approach to kitchen design
Focussing on making every single one of their kitchens entirely unique is what sets them apart, say H. Miller Bros found...
Crown Imperial releases new 'The Kitchen' brochure
Crown Imperial has released its latest 'The Kitchen' brochure, which it says is a valuable new marketing tool for retail...
Ripples to launch Kind by Ripples products in time for Christmas
Ripples is set to diversify by launching its first Kind by Ripples range of body and home products that are said by the ...
Coverings strikes deal with Travis Perkins to acquire Tile Giant
Investment group Coverings has announced a deal with Travis Perkins to acquire retailer Tile Giant, with Coverings set t...
Yvonne Orgill: 5 ways retailers can support the Unified Water Label
Unified Water Label MD Yvonne Orgill says that KBB retailers have a unique opportunity to support the UWL and gain a com...
Küppersbusch showcases new appliances at virtual Hausmesse
German appliance brand Küppersbusch showcased a host of new appliances at its recent virtual Hausmesse exhibition, incl...
Bette baths and shower trays chosen for The Standard, London
Glazed titanium-steel baths and shower trays from German manufacturer Bette have been chosen by The Standard hotel in Lo...
Aqata acquired by private investment company Intrinsic Equity
Private investment business Intrinsic Equity, has acquired Hinckley-based shower enclosure manufacturer Aqata Limited, s...
Whirlpool UK Appliances supports National Organ Donation Week
National Organ Donation Week (7th-13th September) was supported by Whirlpool UK Appliances with the gift of a Whirlpool ...
Crown Imperial launches new Working at Home brochure
Leading British manufacturer Crown Imperial is delighted to launch its new ‘Working at home’ brochure, featuring its...
JT unveils new Naturals range inspired by Yorkshire landscapes
Taking inspiration from iconic Yorkshire landscapes, shower tray manufacturer JT has extended its shower tray offering w...
BMA responds to BBC's 'Great Leaky Loo Scandal' report
Following the broadcast of the BBC's 'Great Leaky Loo Scandal' report on the Radio 4 programme Costing the Earth on 29th...
New 2020 Fusion V8 software features range of enhancements
2020 has announced the new release of its latest kitchen and bathroom design software – 2020 Fusion V8. This updated v...
Nolte declares physical Hausmesse exhibition a success
Nolte Küchen's decision to host an actual physical exhibition at this year's Hausmesse was a success, the brand has dec...
John Hotowka to speak at 2021 BMA conference
Business speaker John Hotowka has been confirmed to appear at the BMA's 2021 conference, which was due to take place thi...