Insight: How to use AI effectively within a marketing campaign

InsightFeatures Tue 16th Jul 2024 by KBBFocus

Insight: How to use AI effectively within a marketing campaign

Insight: How to use AI effectively within a marketing campaign

From content creation to automating tasks and even analysing data, AI is increasing business efficiency – but how should you use it effectively in your brand’s marketing campaign? Chris Ashton, director of building and interiors marketing specialist Time54, explains.

AI in marketing is the process of using artificial intelligence models to automate or optimise marketing tasks within a business. Such tasks include analysing customer insights, automating repetitive tasks involving segmenting data, creating content, planning campaigns, and offering strategic advice. But does this mean the end for marketing employees or outsourcing to external agencies?

No. Even though the technology and AI platforms available are great and offer business owners and marketing managers an efficient support tool, brands within the construction sector still need human input.

The ultimate goal of most marketing campaigns is to ultimately sell more products for product manufacturers. This is achieved by influencing specifiers, developing better relationships, and building awareness within the sector.

And this will only ever be achieved with human connection. It starts with humans developing a marketing campaign, creating all of the assets and tactical elements to communicate to an audience, which is then noticed by humans and acted upon.

We have spoken to lots of marketing managers and business owners regarding the use of AI, all with differing opinions. Some business owners are looking at adopting AI as a cost-cutting exercise in the form of reducing spend with their agency or in-house resources. Some marketing managers are using AI to support their in-house resources with better more informed decision making, even helping to train junior marketing team members.

Ultimately everyone has their own drivers for using AI within their business. It’s something you can’t ignore and if you do you’ll get left behind. But like any new technology, it’s important to use it in the right way and for the right reasons.

This one is the biggest way we see AI being used within the sector, with generic content being used in website blogs, PR articles, social media posts and emails. The issue is an over-reliance on AI content generators. Brands use them because they can write an article in a matter of minutes. Then they publish the content and they are pleased as they have saved money and can move on to the next task quickly.

However, the main drawback with using AI generated content is a lack of human touch or personality. If every brand used AI content, every brand would sound the same and no-one would stand out in the market.

Fact-checking is also important as AI takes its inspiration from content that is already out there on the Internet. And there are a lot of bad sources of information. But an AI content generator doesn’t know this and can’t check its facts and judge the reliability of the source.

AI powered chatbots are integrated into many websites. Brands use them because they offer instant feedback and assistance for the website visitor. The only problem is that the assistance they provide generally isn’t very good. They fail to solve complex queries and only serve to frustrate customers and visitors even more.

This one isn’t widely considered, but is hugely relevant. AI-driven marketing often relies on large amounts of personal data, raising significant privacy concerns. Using AI to gather and use data without explicit consumer consent can breach privacy laws and damage brand reputation.

AI can process vast amounts of data much quicker than most humans, to provide actionable insights for brands. It can market trends, customer behaviour, and competitor activities to identify opportunities and threats.

AI algorithms can also segment your audience based on demographics, purchasing behaviour, and engagement levels, allowing for more personalised and targeted marketing activities.

However, it is important when undertaking the above factors, to check any data and insights that are presented. Don’t just take the information generated by AI platforms at face value.

Don’t use AI to write your content, but use it to get content ideas and inspiration. Case studies and thought leadership topics are popular within the construction sector, and it is the latter (thought leadership) where you can get useful insights as to what you can write about.

Automating repetitive tasks can free up time for strategic planning and creative thinking. For example, AI-powered tools can automate email marketing, sending personalised messages at optimal times for maximum engagement. But again, it needs human input to make sure it operates as it should.

The integration of AI within marketing activities represents a huge opportunity for brands to improve their campaigns and deliver more value to their customers. It is important to look at AI as a support tool to boost creativity and help with decision-making, rather than simply to replace human input.

One thing for sure is that AI is going to drastically change the landscape of the construction sector, in terms of marketing as well as other factors e.g. building techniques. It is important for business owners and marketing managers to integrate AI and use it responsibly within marketing campaigns, to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

If you want advice about your marketing strategy, get in touch with Chris Ashton at Time54:

Tags: insight, features, digital marketing, ai, time54

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