Why miniature range cookers can broaden your customer base
Mini 60cm range cookers offer all the traditional good looks and functionality of the larger models, but can also open y...
GDHA plan to close Whiston factory will 'secure a sustainable future'
Glen Dimplex Home Appliances has announced plans to relocate production of its Belling and Stoves cooking appliances and...
Tom Reynolds – Why I'm seeking clarity from Government on key issues
Tom Reynolds, chief executive at the BMA, reveals why he has written to the Government to obtain clarity around drinking...
Time is almost up to respond to mandatory water labelling consultation
Unified Water Label Association (UWLA) MD Yvonne Orgill has urged the industry to respond to the Government consultation...
'Back the UWLA – or risk restrictive legislation,' says Yvonne Orgill
Yvonne Orgill, MD at The Unified Water Label Association (UWLA) calls on the industry to put water efficiency at the top...
Everything you need to know about 2021's new energy labelling system
From 1st March 2021, any new dishwashers, washing machines, washer-dryers, fridges and freezers will all have new energy...