VitrA has revealed that it is weathering the COVID-19 crisis by focussing its efforts on ensuring there is enough product availability for its distribution partners and retailers. The manufacturer, which is part of the Turkish Eczacibasi Group, says it has continued to operate its factories at almost full capacity during the pandemic. It added that in the UK, its 2019 investment in additional warehousing has proved invaluable in helping to hold stock for distributors as they tackled their own COVID-related issues.
"We work with well-resourced distribution partners and have been able to keep them supplied or hold stock on their behalf because we own and operate the factories and control production for brassware, ceramicware, furniture and tiles," said UK MD Levent Giray. "Fortunately, we are not reliant on importing from third parties or using multiple countries to supply products. The continuance of supply has allowed us to maintain our levels of service during what have been very challenging months.”
The brand is also pushing forward with plans for its new London showroom, due to open at the end of the year. The company also says that its advertising campaigns have been sustained, to help build demand for its retailers, alongside significant investment in a suite of glossy brochures for both consumers and retailers.