Bora's Andy Cummings – Live cooking demos turn seeing into believing

InsightFeatures Mon 9th Sep 2024 by KBBFocus

Bora's Andy Cummings – Live cooking demos turn seeing into believing

Bora's Andy Cummings – Live cooking demos turn seeing into believing

When it comes to selling high-end appliances, nothing beats cooking demonstrations to showcase the impressive results that can be achieved with the latest products – Bora's group lead ASM UK Andy Cummings explains why.

In a world where online shopping and virtual experiences dominate, there's something truly magical about seeing, hearing, and tasting a product in action. This is especially true in the world of kitchen appliances, where the difference between a good meal and a great one can be the tools you use. At Bora, we've embraced this philosophy wholeheartedly. Live cooking demonstrations aren't just a part of our marketing strategy – they're woven into the very fabric of our brand.

Imagine walking into a kitchen showroom. You're surrounded by gleaming appliances, each promising to revolutionise your cooking experience. But how do you know which one to choose? Enter the live cooking demonstration.

Our area sales managers (ASMs) are not just salespeople; they are culinary enthusiasts. From the first meeting with a prospective dealer, there's a good chance they’ll start cooking. Whether it’s a sizzling steak or a bacon sarnie, these live demos turn meetings into memorable experiences. And it’s not just about the food; it’s about the story. Watching our ASM hold their glasses 30cm above the cooking bacon, only to find not a splash of fat on them, tells a story of innovation and precision that no brochure could ever capture.

A story to tell
Every Bora dealer knows the importance of having a working model on display. It's one thing to hear about how quickly our induction hobs can boil water and whisk away steam, and quite another to witness it firsthand. But we don't stop there. We encourage our retailers to take it a step further and host live cooking events for their customers. These events are more than just sales pitches – they're immersive culinary experiences.

As one of our customers, Lucy Gregson of Callerton Kitchens in Newcastle, comments: “Bora cookery demonstrations are a really great value add to our clients. Clients attend at all parts of their customer journey – whether that be prior to buying and needing more information before they decide or after they’ve had their new Bora appliance installed to learn once they have starting using their appliances. Both are hugely valuable. Not only for our clients but for our clients to talk to each other at those demonstrations.

“We try to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere often on an evening. We talk about the events during the sales process again to add value and show commitment to our clients on them getting the best out of their appliances.”

As Lucy says, when a retailer decides to host a live cooking event, we support with one of our five trained chefs. We bring everything needed, from the food to the utensils, allowing the retailer to focus on their guests. Whether it’s a post-Halloween pumpkin extravaganza or a more formal sit-down dinner around an island unit, our chefs are ready to showcase our full range of appliances.

Demonstrating the difference
Take, for example, our innovative XBO oven. During a demo, our chef might prepare a risotto in just 18 minutes with no stirring required - a far cry from the laborious task of cooking it on a traditional hob. Or they might show how our oven’s high negative humidity can crisp vegetables beautifully while keeping their form. And then there’s our QVac, which can marinate food in just 10 minutes and store it with perfect cooling. These aren’t just features; they’re game-changers and seeing them in action makes all the difference to how well they sell.

Creating excitement
Our retailers are incredibly creative in how they host these events. One example that springs to mind is when My Father’s Heart partnered with a local investment firm to bring a group of high-net-worth individuals to their showroom. The event wasn’t just about showcasing our appliances; it was an evening of investment talks complemented by a live cooking demo. It was an innovative approach that created a buzz and offered attendees a unique, memorable experience.

“We think live cooking demos are a vital tool to help sell the Bora products to perspective customers,” commented My Fathers Heart showroom manager Su Sutton. “The events are always well attended too by our existing customers who have already bought a Bora appliance and need some inspirational ideas and advice to further their cooking experience with the Bora products.”

Sarah Templeman of Kitchen Architecture agrees, saying: “Our business is built on creating sociable living spaces for our clients and one of the most effective ways for us to share this message is by using our design centre kitchens as entertaining spaces. Having a chef from Bora elevates this message whilst enabling our guests to see how the products work and ask questions around them.

"We never hard sell, so a relaxed atmosphere with a skilled chef who just happens to know about the products is a fantastic combination. Most of our business comes from architect, housing developer or interior design referrers so these professionals want more out of a social event that just great food, Bora bring that to the table in spades. Charismatic and informative chefs make our life easy, watching food being prepared with skill, then eating it, just works!”

Like test-driving a car
Think about it: you wouldn’t buy a high-end car without experiencing how it performs. The same logic applies to kitchen appliances, particularly as they become technologically advanced. You need to see, hear, and taste the difference.

That’s why our sales team regularly collaborate with designers, using live demos to train them and provide a real-life experience of our products. Seeing how effectively our extraction system works, hearing the quiet hum of the fan even on powerful mode, and feeling the intuitive control of the S Pure – these experiences bring our products to life in a way that no static display ever could.

Tailored experiences
In the UK, our 5 Bora chefs are always ready to support dealer events. The goals of these events are always discussed in advance, whether it’s an architect's breakfast morning, a celebration party, or an XBO focus event. Some events are closed, with specific invites, while others are open to the public and promoted on our website. Themes might vary by season or focus on a specific cuisine or appliance, ensuring that every event is fresh, engaging, and relevant.

A valuable resource
Live cooking events are not just about showcasing the product though; they create excitement and offer customers a firsthand experience that’s both educational and enjoyable. They’re a valuable resource for retailers, providing them with a compelling story to tell and an opportunity to build stronger relationships with their customers.

In a world where seeing is believing, live cooking demonstrations stand out as a testament to the power of experience.

Tags: insight, features, bora, andy cummings, appliances

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