2020 teams up with Simon Acres to offer sales training for retailers

IndustryNews Fri 6th Aug 2021 by KBBFocus

2020 teams up with Simon Acres to offer sales training for retailers

2020 teams up with Simon Acres to offer sales training for retailers

2020 has announced its partnership with Simon Acres Group (SAGL) to launch a sales training course for KBB retailers in the UK and North America.

The course will be delivered by SAGL MD Simon Acres, pictured, in video format, and will consist of three customer engagement sales units, including tips and tricks, foundation, and advanced modules. The training videos focus on improving skills during the customer journey, and are designed to help kitchen and bathroom retailers close more sales and sell more products.

“We’re excited to partner with 2020 to deliver industry-specific sales training material to kitchen and bathroom retailers,” said Acres. “I think it will greatly benefit 2020’s customers and help them increase their sales conversion rates.” 

2020 global training manager Vanessa DeKoekkoek added: “We are excited to add this course to our curriculum as there has been a growing demand for sales-focussed training from our customers. This virtual course is a great way to complement 2020’s existing software training classes.” 

Tags: industry, news, 2020, simon acres group, sagl

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