MHK welcomes attendees to conference under the banner 'Go For Impact'

IndustryNews Wed 10th Jul 2024 by KBBFocus

MHK welcomes attendees to conference under the banner 'Go For Impact'

MHK welcomes attendees to conference under the banner 'Go For Impact'

MHK brought together suppliers, retailers and industry partners at its 2024 Annual General Meeting held at The Belfry in Sutton Coldfield on Monday 8th July 2024, under the inspirational banner 'Go For Impact'. The conference was opened by MHK Group CEO, Volker Klodwig (pictured), who addressed members in a speech that praised them for their entrepreneurial resilience through recent economic struggles.

He said: “Personally, I am convinced that when the market is slow, it is the right time to prepare everything on deck to reach the next goal when the wind picks up. Waiting is not an option. Those who want to step out of the economic slipstream must be active, must shape, must invest. Therefore, our goal is to support you in the market and differentiate you from the competition. Our investment power as a group and our innovative products and solutions help us shape markets.”

The international buying group welcomed attendees from across the UK, including current members, prospective members, major KBB suppliers, industry partners and special guest speakers who all met to engage in discussion around key industry topics.

Other speakers included Damian Walters, CEO of the BiKBBI, who explained how retailers and suppliers must come together to futureproof the industry, and Alison Edgar MBE, who delivered the keynote speech.

In addition, Darren Summerfield, commercial director of KBBFocus, moderated a discussion between representatives from key suppliers Smeg, Asko, Stone Sense, Bauformat and Alku on challenges currently facing the industry. Later, a retailer round table moderated by journalist Lindsay Blair took place, and the end of the conference was marked by a gala event and awards ceremony celebrating kitchen and bathroom design.

David Morris, sales director for MHK, said: “It is now widely understood that MHK helps retailers access the best prices and payment terms. But that is really just the tip of the iceberg. We are a community that has the 'ear' of the biggest partners and suppliers in the KBB industry, and I am delighted that so many of our supplier and retailer members joined us for this major networking event.”

Tags: industry, news, mhk group, volker klodwig, david morris

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