Jacqueline Mariani on 30 years of success as a KBB PR specialist

InsightFeatures Mon 16th Sep 2024 by KBBFocus

Jacqueline Mariani on 30 years of success as a KBB PR specialist

Jacqueline Mariani on 30 years of success as a KBB PR specialist

JMM PR managing director Jacqueline Mariani is celebrating 3 decades working in the KBB industry – she reveals her highs and lows, and what makes a PR an asset to your business.

Q: As a specialist KBB PR agency, what PR related advice can you offer our readers?
A: It is important for KBB retailers to build relationships with local journalists. Consider inviting them to your showroom, particularly when you have new products installed and available. Tell them about your business developments and the prospects for the local community to keep the news flowing to the consumers in your area.

Leverage partnerships with businesses around you, combining your efforts to engage customers. You can also take this a step further and plan an open day. Bathrooms and kitchens may not be everyone’s idea of a fun day out but if there is a car retailer, or a local winery, gin distiller or bakery etc, who wish to promote their goods, it can provide tremendous interest.

JMM PR at the London Belowzero Ice Bar

Consider engaging with influencers too. They don’t have to have millions or even thousands of followers; engage with creators that have a local influence. Ask your friends and family (particularly any teenagers or young adults) who they follow and if they have any recommendations. Connect with them and see if they would be keen to review a new product, design or promote your business. It can be a great way to extend your reach and raise awareness to new audiences.

Finally, make sure your website is SEO friendly and up to date, from great images to new and engaging content, to your contact details. Upload regularly so new and prospective customers see the latest products and case studies of recent installations.

Q: JMM PR is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. What are the most significant changes that you have seen in this time?
So much has changed! The day-to-day operation of a PR agency is completely different to when I launched JMM PR in 1994. In the 1990’s, press releases and copy (with photographs included) were sent via snail mail. We invested in a franking machine to eliminate a trip to the post office; these are now virtually obsolete! The fax machine was the only whizzy bit of kit around, which we used to send copy to clients for approval.

Left to right: Tessa Ross, Jacqueline Mariani and Hannah Cottis, celebrating 30 years of JMM PR

Q: After 30 years in the KBB industry, you must have some stories to share…
A: I certainly have lots of fond memories (and my fair share of challenges too!). In April 2010, we had organised a press trip to EuroCucina. The exhibition was a success, however an ash cloud following a volcanic eruption in Iceland meant that all flights were grounded… how do we get home? Our client ended up hiring a coach to drive us all back to London. Everyone that travelled to EuroCucina that year had a story to tell! A group travelled by rail via the south of France only to be met with train strikes, a UK taxi company drove to Milan to collect passengers, and someone that knew a restaurateur who had a private plane organised a flight home from them (if only I had that contact!).

Our own event celebrating 25 years of JMM PR was one to remember too. We organised a special lunch in London for colleagues, clients and friends. However, the restaurant kitchen flooded on the very morning of our celebrations! The restaurant secured an alternative venue, but they had a power cut (you couldn’t make it up). Our guests began arriving, the champagne was flowing, but we still had nowhere to eat. One guest commented that they were glad it wasn’t their event, with which I wholeheartedly agreed! However, it all ended well, we all ‘evacuated’ to a third restaurant and had a fantastic time!

Q: What are your plans for the future of jmm PR?
To grow and flourish. We have recently employed a new team member and subsequently, have room to extend our portfolio of clients. The KBB industry will always be at our core, however we have expanded our expertise into other areas over the years including heating, plumbing and construction sectors.

JMM PR at the National Space Centre

Tags: insight, features, jacqueline mariani, jmm pr, public relations specialist

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